batman vs superman


Rising User
Oct 1, 2015
I feel like overall, it wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be, but it also wasn't "great" either. I give it a 7/10. I wish I could give it a 10/10 because Ben Affleck was the best Batman EVER! (minus him killing and using guns... WTF! lol)

But I think the problem with the movie was with Superman. He literally had no reason whatsoever to fight Batman. He could've heard his mom's heartbeat, got there, and back to Lex in a matter of minutes (maybe seconds?). I mean, even in the beginning of the movie, he flies all the way to Africa to help Lois. Like cmon lol

Also, he barely had any lines and everytime he did talk, he seemed so hopeless. I understand that everyone is against him, and it was slowly breaking him down.. But Superman is supposed to be a beacon of hope

Also a Nuke doing that much damage to him? And him struggling against Doomsday? Lol also felt like they waisted the huge potential of Doomsday as a villain for Justice League. I could go on haha but this post already is long a.f!