Gaming BatlerGaming - The One Armed Gamer


New User
Hi guys,

My name is Ollie AKA Batler and I am a one armed gamer.

I lost my arm above the elbow about 10 years ago and I have played games since a very early age. I didn't let this stop me however and I now play with a one handed controller.

I decided to give this YouTube thing a go since I want to spread the word about accessible gaming and the struggles that people face. I'm hoping to grow my channel to become a platform for developers and hardware manufacturers to learn what they can do to improve the happiness of others.

If I entertain just one person and make one person think differently then I have done my job.

I stream every night and I am just getting into making videos.

If any one wants to join me, please feel free.

I mainly play on Xbox and PC but I am working my way towards a one handed PS4 controller but the controllers are nearly the same price as the consoles.

If you have any questions please ask away. People need to be more open about disabilities in my opinion!



"You don't know me...but you will"
Freedom! Member
Hello Ollie and Welcome to the Freedom forums, sorry to hear about your predicament, though I must admit from an aspiring games developer this is an interesting topic and accessibility for games is something I'll have to think about when I get going fully in the industry. I agree that people need to be open and aware about disabilities (including hidden ones, like mental ones) and its nice to see you raising awareness about this topic, I'll be sure to follow you channel as you go forward :)


New User
Hey Dev, thanks for that. Yeah it's good to get developers thinking about this stuff. Things as simple as controller support and remappable buttons is a big thing!

Any questions you have just ask!