Service Basic video editing and thumbnails! (CHEAP)


Formerly FeelingsToontown
Freedom! Member
Sep 7, 2014
I would have this free, however I would still like to provide this service since I get asked it quite a bit. I do NOT create any graphics, you must provide everything needed for me to edit the video (I do not make an intro for you, etc)
Video editing done in Vegas, with very limited knowledge in After Effects. Can do stuff like Green Screening, basic color correction, etc

PRICE : Varies based on difficulty
FREE Simple - Very simple things, such as adding music, 1 or 2 jumpcuts, etc. Only VERY basic stuff. Max 1 per person
$1/minute Basic - Normally simple stuff like cutting together clips. Most stuff will go here
$2/minute Advanced - Harder stuff, maybe a few effects.
$3/minute Professional - Very quick edits, lots of effects. For example, an MLG video would go here

I also offer 1 free simple thumbnail for the video. Nothing too advanced.

CONTACT : Skype - jamesian0525