Anyone know of a reasonably priced powerful PC


Rising User
Jan 19, 2016
London, England
Im currently using my Laptop for recording and oh man it is awful the rendering a processing times make me want to cry hahaha so I'm looking for a reasonably priced PC that preforms anyone have any links? :)

Hail Kira

Game Show Host
Freedom! Member
Feb 5, 2014
British Columbia
In a few months new intel and geforce cards are coming out... you might be able to find either better deals then or much better hardware.

Just look up pascal and skylake...

Actually... skylake might already be out...
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Active Member
Freedom! Member
Jan 30, 2016
It really depends on how much money you have. For example, laptops can do content creation "well", especially if were talking about 720p and 1080p, just look at the RAZER BLADE STEALTH starting at $999. That being said, rendering video is (95% of the time) a CPU intensive task. Cores are the most important factor for rendering video (the more cores the better) Intel i5 is the best value processor, and if you're thinking of something more expensive, don't unless you're considering 4k rendering. To which case you'll find i7's and Xeons to be sorta similar, you might be able to find a cheaper Comparable Xeon vs. a Comparable i7 (But if this is going to be a gaming machine as well, avoid the Xeon and get the i7). Also, an additional hard drive where you will be /rending/ to reduces bottlenecks and improves the life of your system (just make sure the second drive isn't slower than your primary drive) This is especially true of Adobe Premier where Adobe themselves highly recommend a second drive to render to.
So in short, I too recommend an i5 (but it doesn't have to be the latest/greatest) and think about having a second hard drive to render your videos to otherwise you'll be bottle-necking yourself and shortening the life of your main drive.

I don't know what processor your laptop has but if you have a quad core (especially an intel quad core) consider rendering to an external hard drive that is as fast or faster than your current hard drive (also upgrading your laptop's hard drive wouldn't hurt either) before making the leap. In general rendering in HD takes a long time anyways but if you're rendering 30 minutes in 1080p for 18+ hours....yeah that's a problem lol :p