Educational Any Advice for New YouTuber


Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Jan 18, 2016
Toronto, Ontario
At this point, I would develop a schedule you can meet every week.

When I started I tried doing a video whenever I could, which meant that one week I had 6 vids, while another I had 3 or lower. I developed a schedule which at first was two days a week, but saw that I was uploading multiple videos in one day, which made me transition to 4 days a week. I've been keeping up with that schedule and it's been good. So first tip is dedicate to a schedule.

My second tip is be yourself and show energy in your videos. Imagine watching someone who doesn't talk much, and shows very little to no energy. It doesn't make it entertaining and doesn't keep the attention of the viewers. So be energetic, and yourself and be interactive when commentating.

My third tip is make sure you're enjoying what you're doing. There's a big difference when you're doing something and enjoying it, rather than doing something because it's the IT thing right now. Enjoy your content, enjoy your subject that way it comes off on your viewers.

Make sure to keep your channel organized and keep at it!

Alex Ecker

Respected User
Mar 15, 2017
Wadena, Minnesota
Hi Everyone,

I just started my YouTube channel about a week ago. Do you have any advice on the appropriate time or how often to upload videos? Also, can anyone share their struggles of starting a YouTube channel? Thanks.
The hardest subs are the first 100 after that it's smooth sailing and upload good quality content as often as possible with a good title and thumbnail. Like i upload good quality content daily with a eye popping thumbnail you can check it out for yourself. Hope this helps :)


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Sep 9, 2017
I found a great way was clickbait - but not MISLEADING clickbait. For example if the video is about funny gaming moments, you can include that. And PLEASE don't put "*GONE WRONG GONE SEXUAL*" in the titles if that never happens! :)


Rising User
Dec 22, 2014
Initially recording and editing videos were two struggles I had, it wasn't until I discovered OBS and got enough practice with windows movie maker that my quality began to improve. Some advice for ya-don't feel discouraged if your content doesn't look like a twenty man team of editors spent a week on it (I know, huge exaggeration, but bear with me). You're learning, and that's the important think to keep in mind. As you create more videos you'll learn new techniques and work your war towards stunning content.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Sep 9, 2017
Use OBS and HitFilm to record and edit. You can also use iMovie or Movie Maker in conjunction with these.

Also, don't give up early! Giving up before 100 subs is the most common downfall of good youtubers. Have fun out there!

Zach Stearns

New User
Freedom! Member
Sep 26, 2017
Experiences may vary but for me, all I had to do was make a video that appealed to the public.
All I had to do was figure out a topic that would get many searches.
My first somewhat "viral" video was one about an app called Verydice. I imagined that there would be many people who would want to cheat for points so I made a video targeted at those people.
Also, I recommend using something I call "semi-clickbait". What that means is that you use a title and a thumbnail that both represent the video but exaggerate what the topic is about.
For example, I made a video called "I Got Nibiru On Camera! | Proof Planet X Exists".
In the video, it was just a clip I had taken with my iPhone that I had a slight belief that it really was Nibiru. I wasn't 100% sure it was legit but I still made the title sound like I was sure about it.
In addition to the title, I used an online tool called 'Backgrounder 3' which helps make thumbnails easily. Using it, I put in a screenshot of part of the video and I put some text overlays on it that talked about what the proof was (In 5 or 6 words). But this time, I made a visually intriguing thumbnail.
That video was my fastest viewed video and I gained over 200 subscribers from it.
I feel like the trick is to base the video off current events. The Nibiru video I uploaded on September 22, which was the day before the event discussed in the video happened.
If you are a gamer, try playing games that are very popular at the time of upload. For example, a few years back, Minecraft was super popular and a video may have gotten 5,000 views. If you were to upload it today, it would most likely get under 1,000 because the game is out of style.
If you are a gamer, try going over to Twitch and see what the trending games are.
I am out of time to write this post so I'm going to leave you with that. I probably could have written another 5,000 words but I don't want to waste your time.

Good luck with your channel!
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The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
Hi Everyone,

I just started my YouTube channel about a week ago. Do you have any advice on the appropriate time or how often to upload videos? Also, can anyone share their struggles of starting a YouTube channel? Thanks.
I would recommend at least 3 times a week with a schedule to your audience knows when your video's are coming. The analytics can you give you a good overview where your audience comes from and what they like and dislike about your Content. As for the struggle in the beginning it can be challenging to get noticed but with the right motivation that shouldn't pose a problem :)
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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Apr 11, 2015
Keep a good schedule going within your channel. I've just started youtube not long, again! However i try my best to upload a video once or twice a month due to myself having a job and so on! I recommend you upload once every 2 weeks if your not a busy person with alot of free time on your hands to record and edit your awesome videos your making and uploading to your channel. To try and expand your channel while doing them uploads. I recommend you get into social media (snapchat, twitter, faction and etc..) as this can have a huge improvement on your channel... Think of yourself being the best music player in the world and you get loads of people buying your albums but you may not be the best salesman in the world, at the end of the day its about timing and mixing it all into one to make one big pie!


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Jul 15, 2015
Keeping up with your schedule is all well and good but one thing that you should also consider is only to make videos and when you want to. Keeping up with schedule is nothing if what you upload is crap because you didn't feel like making the video.

How to know if your video is crap? Simply ask yourself these:
- Were you in the mood for some content creating when you made the video?
- Do you like the topic of your video?
- Did you like how you edited the video?
- Are the sequences of your video exact with what you envisioned without a single deviation or compromise?
- Are you 100% positively sure that you want to upload this?

If you answered 'no' or 'I don't know' to atleast one of these questions, then your video is crap and you should either refine it or trash it. Remember: Scheduling is important but Content is king.
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Rising User
Oct 22, 2017
Checkout Derral Eve on YouTube. He has a ton of good advice for starting out on YouTube.

I'm going to add to this because Derral is an amazing resource. Tim Schmoyer over at Video Creators, Think Media/Video Influencers, Nick Nimmin, and even just watching some of the advice vlogs from people like jacksepticeye/Pewdiepie/SSSniperwolf/etc. All of these are amazing resources, you can also utilize YouTube's Creator Academy and of course you always have the Freedom! Family here to fill in the blanks with our own personal experiences.