Gaming Activision Blizzard Announces New esports Division


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Freedom! Member
May 7, 2014

Activision has announced it's very own esports division. This is something entirely expected from them. The new venture is being ran by former ESPN boss Steve Bornstein and MLG president Mike Sepso.

Bornstein had some thoughts when it came down to the decision for Activison to announce the esports division.

"Last year, Activision Blizzard created entertainment that was viewed and played by over 150 million people for more than 13 billion hours. I believe eSports will rival the biggest traditional sports leagues in terms of future opportunities, and between advertising, ticket sales, licensing, sponsorships and merchandising, there are tremendous growth areas for this nascent industry."

Now all that really mean is Activision sees big dollar signs in esports. With all the match fixing among other scandals in esports. Activision actually fits in right at home.