Gaming A very mediocre gaming channel has come to make its disappointing mark!


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jun 10, 2016
Hello world.

This is Niklas Austrheim speaking (writing), otherwise widely known as MediocreGamer.

On a pretty much daily basis, I terrorize Los Santos under the PSN-gamertag Supernowaa, but I also frequently visit the Commonwealth of Fallout 4. And every once in a while, I stop by both Medici with Rico Rodriquez, and a galaxy far, far away just for the hell of it.

I try to upload 1-2 times a week, but sometimes I fail even at that.

I joined this forum for three reasons:

1. I want to pick up some tips and tricks on how to make quality mediocre content.

2. I want to spread awareness surrounding the extremely mediocre channel I have started, and hopefully find some people who appreciates my average videos.

3. Find other YouTube-channels that create content that I enjoy, that I can watch for my entertainment.
