Gaming A Re-Introduction (Lets just say I have been gone for a while)

Dust the Fox

Rising User
Nov 3, 2015
Hello My Name is Dust the Fox or Dust it doesn't matter which way you say it. But besides that the only reason why I am calling it a re-introduction is because I used to be with freedom in the past but I left because well one I just jumped into it and I honestly wasn't ready for this or my channel at the time since I had to deal with a lot of school and life problems. But with that being said I currently don't have any major problems as of right now I only have to worry about tests and such since this is my last school year and I plan to stay with freedom for quite some time.

Now that I got the mini summary way Here is a more proper Introduction.

Name: I prefer to go by my channel name or just Dust.

Where are you from: I am from the U.S. where exactly from the U.S. Alabama its not that special.

How old are you: I am currently 17 years old and soon to be 18 next month.

How did I find Freedom: Well it all started back in 1999... no ok.. I found freedom by a friend when I was in the 10th grade he told me about it and what it had to offer and I decided to give a try and such.

What made me join the forums: I don't really have a good reason, but the best reason I can give you is to talk to people and all of that jazz.

What are my Hobbies: Don't have many and I may have similar hobbies to numerous people here. I like to draw, play games, listen to music, and edit videos. I do have more hobbies but these are the main ones that I use.

What is your favorite food: anything that I am not allergic to, but mainly pizza.

Why did I start YouTube: I started YouTube back in 2011 but I didn't have any thing to show, I would just YouTube to watch animations such as egoraptor and such. But later on in the months I played a game called Dead Space 2 and I was stuck in a part and I looked it up and I ran across a channel called theRadBrad and he did a blind walkthrough on the game and it was fun watching his own experience of the game and it inspired me to make a gaming channel but I want to do more than just show the game I want to have a lot of my series heavily edited and show what all of the games that I play have to offer. And with this being said I want to entertain people with how the game looks and how it plays, I know that I do have a lot of videos on channel as of now and it actually shows how much I have improved over the years.

What kind of channel do I run: I run a gaming channel and I do playthroughs, first impressions, and multiplayer gameplays. (oh and another thing my videos tend to be long, the most is about an hour.)

What is your biggest dream: I don't have many but I think one of my biggest dreams is to meet theRadBrad or just have just get my channel to grow.

How Frequently do I upload: As of now it is a bit spastic since I have school some weeks I will have videos and some weeks I wont, but when I am out of school I plan on uploading one video a day around 3:00pm central time.

Well that was a kind of a bigger introduction than my first one which was actually a year ago it wasn't a month ago wow now I definitely now know it has been a while lol.

Finally if there are any extra questions I will down to answer them when I am available and my channel link will be below this.
(Lastly I don't do sub 4 sub)

My Channel:

Deleted member 17740

Welcome back!
Nice to see you've returned :D