Subscriber Milestone 100 SUBS REACHED :DD


New User
May 5, 2016
So yeah I finally reached 100 subs and the surprising thing is I ONLY REACHED IN ONLY AROUND 3 WEEKS!!! WOW! I made a vid of me thanking my subs and viewers :l I mainly make videos about CS:GO only for now but hopefully in the future I will be able to expand in numerous variety of games and maybe even vlogging and stuff :3

If you'd like to check me out feel free to but yeah if you don't want to its fine with me I just wish to be able to interact with all of you guys and stuff and learn together :D

Bare with my content if you do check since I'm not really a sociable person and I hope through YouTube and talking with everybody in the community from YouTube to here in Freedom! I will grow to be able to express myself more and stuff and just have fun and grow together with everybody! :D