verification tick

  1. Raymond Rahner

    Network Request for Verification

    Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but I am wondering if there is anyone in here that can help me get verified on youtube. In other words, the the verified check by my channel. I don't want to hear your crap that you have to have over 100,000 subs because that's not...
  2. EnderCat

    Solved Can I verify my youtube?

    Hey everyone sorry if this is a stupid question but how can I verify my youtube channel? hope you guys can help and thanks in advance!
  3. T

    Solved I have a verification problem!

    Hello, my problem is that I recently connected my youtube channel with freedom and the email with which I requested the partner no longer exists. I already changed the mail but I do not know how to send the confirmation back. If anyone can help me I appreciate it! I await your answers!
  4. M

    Solved How many subscribers I need to have for the verification tick on my YouTube Channel?

    Hey dear Freedom! Team! I'd like to know, how many subs/views I need to have to get verfied. The channel that I want to verify has almost 13k subs and over 1.3 million views. Is it enough? Best wishes! :) (sorry for my English :c)
  5. M

    Ab welcher Abozahl wird mein Kanal von Freedom! verifiziert?

    Hey liebes Forum-Team! Ich wollte euch fragen, ab welcher größe denn Freedom! einen Kanal verifiziert? Würde dafür ein Kanal mit fast 13000 Abos und 1.3 Mio Klicks reichen? LG
  6. The Best Of MC

    Solved May I Get Verified?

    Dear Freedom!, Can my channel "The Best Of MC" get verification tick? My Freedom! Account Username Is Lester Liam. Hope you could reply as soon as possible! My Channel Link: