
  1. Demkeys

    Gaming We made a game! Check it out! It's free!

    Alright everyone! Our game Fight The Cannons is now available on itch.io ! Go check it out! It's FREE! Link: https://boringgamesstudio.itch.io/fight-the-cannons This game was made by myself and @GlowingDude . We've provided the project for those of you who might be interested in seeing the...
  2. K

    Gaming Unity 3D/Anything Collaboration

    Hello Freedom Family, Here's a brief Intro about me: Name: Kruthi Kanj Singh Rathod Where am I from? : Hyderabad, TS, India. Where do I live? : Bridgeport, CT, USA How old am I? : 24 How did I find Freedom!? : Through Youtube Videos What made you join our forums? : Searching for someone to...
  3. Demkeys

    VLOG APv1 Development Vlog series

    Hey everyone! Welcome to the APv1 Development Vlog series. We are working on a game project called APv1: The Archangel Prototype, and will be posting Dev Vlogs to show you the development process of the game. Here's APv1 Dev Vlog 1: The progress in the project is going great. We were hoping to...
  4. KnightRiderGuy

    Using Arduino With Unity 3D

    Many may be familiar with the famous game creation software called Unity 3D. This amazing game engine is capable of allowing you to make your own video games easily and quickly. What many may not know is that you can get an Arduino Micro Controller to work with Unity 3D to allow interaction from...