
  1. T

    Entertainment YOUTUBE 2020 POLICIES

    Hey guys, I understand what YouTube is doing to help protect kids but they are going all the wrong way of doing so, and I ain't trying to bash any of yall who like the change but yu better know what you're getting into because it will affect you too as well as not to mention no money for ads...
  2. J

    Solved Question about copyright strike & termination

    hi guys i have a question my youtube channel has been terminated last month and now my channel has been back again & working yesterday my channel remove 1 copyright strike now i have 2 more copyright strike left in my channel now my question is that my 2 remaining copyright strike is still will...
  3. C

    Solved Channel suspended falsely & Freedom doing nothing!!!

    Hi, So I live in a household where I share 1 laptop with my siblings and each of us have youtube channels right so 1 of my siblings filed a copyright complaint against a youtuber and youtube found his complaint to be fraudulent so they terminated his account. Fair enoguh, me on the other hand's...
  4. jackxist Offical

    Community Jackxist Music Introduction

    Hello everyone, the worst thing happened to me that can happen to a you tuber recently my channel with over 100 thousand views and 1000 subscribers got terminated due to the youtube bug and i could not get the channel back. It was terminated because of inappropriate content, but i decided not to...