
  1. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Legion - Heroic Trials of Valor - Guarm First Kill

    We braved the Heroic Trials of Valor set forth by, and have assaulted Guarm, the protector of Helya. Helya's vicious three-headed hound stands guard at the gates of Helheim. Bred to require neither comfort nor sleep, Guarm remains ever-watchful for any invaders who come to challenge the reign...
  2. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Legion - Heroic Trials of Valor - Odyn First Kill

    We brave the Heroic Trials of Valor set forth by Odyn himself, and force the Titan Keeper to surrender. Adventurers must pass through these Trials of Valor and prove their worth if they hope to stand before Odyn and become his champions.
  3. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Legion - Trials of Valor - Helya First Kill

    We braved the Trials of Valor from Odyn, defeated Guarm, and now face the ruler of Helheim herself! Though she once served as Odyn's right hand, the vengeful Helya will stop at nothing to ensure her ancient curse binds the titan keeper to the Halls of Valor. No longer satisfied with ruling her...
  4. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Legion - Trials of Valor - Guarm First Kill

    We braved the Trials of Valor set forth by Odyn himself, and have assaulted Guarm, the protector of Helya. Helya's vicious three-headed hound stands guard at the gates of Helheim. Bred to require neither comfort nor sleep, Guarm remains ever-watchful for any invaders who come to challenge the...
  5. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Legion - Mythic Ursoc - Emerald Nightmare

    The Mythic Wildgod Ursoc the Mighty has been laid to rest. A true shame he was utterly corrupted in the end. Ursoc the Mighty and his brother Ursol the Wise were well known friends to the Ancients and night elves, and hailed as gods by the furbolg tribes. The bears held glyph markings on their...
  6. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Legion - Heroic Xavius - Ahead of The Curve

    The Nightmare lord has fallen, and we're now ahead of the curve. Bring on Mythic. Lord Xavius was a powerful user of magic, and the high councilor to Queen Azshara during the time of the War of the Ancients. Since Azshara concealed her magical prowess, Xavius was considered the most powerful...
  7. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Legion - Heroic Cenarius - Emerald Nightmare

    So the Demigod Cenarius has died again, this time on Heroic. The Emerald Nightmare is Legion's first raid, opening on September 20th. Created by the titans as a blueprint for Azeroth, the Emerald Dream remained pristine for millennia...until now. Xavius and the Legion have harnessed the...
  8. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Legion - Heroic Ursoc - Emerald Nightmare

    The Heroic Wildgod Ursoc the Mighty has been laid to rest. Ursoc the Mighty and his brother Ursol the Wise were well known friends to the Ancients and night elves, and hailed as gods by the furbolg tribes. The bears held glyph markings on their fur. Ursoc visited the villages of the night elves...
  9. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Legion - Heroic Il'gynoth - Emerald Nightmare

    Lodged in the hollows of a now-decrepit world tree, Il'gynoth is a manifestation of the horrors that lie at the heart of the Nightmare. It is a mass of corruption - a thing that should not be. Its tendrils seep through the ground, emerging in countless horrifying eyestalks and limbs.
  10. VeroxusPvP

    Gaming VeroxusPvP - Looking For Minecraft PC YouTubers for Collabs

    I have recently hit 500 Subscribers on my channel, and I'm looking for some partners with Minecraft channels to collab with. I have an insane viewer per sub ratio, and I can assure you that you will gain 50-100+ subs from one collaboration. Requirements: You must have 250+ Subscribers Contact...