partner program

  1. sp77764

    Community One Last Effort to hit 4k1k (Promote Yourself Here)

    So welcome, as you all know tomorrow is the cutoff date and any channel under 1k subscribers and 4000 watch hours will get demonetized. this thread is meant to be the last ditch effort to promote yourself and hopefully push yourself over the harsh boundary's if you want to reply, format your...
  2. ThatNerdWithTheHair

    Pros/Cons of Partnering?

    I'm thinking of partnering with Freedom, of course, but I don't want to jump in blindly. I figured I should ask the people how their experience with it has been, both pros and cons. I noticed that they get a percentage of your earnings, so wouldn't that mean I'll get even less earnings than I...

    Solved How to Increase My views ~WELLFIGHTER~

    How to Increase My hello views'm well and came to ask how I get more views and subscribers, I became partner on Saturday, and I'm just views could help me, and has Partner email for me to record and could help!
  4. TeamRespawn

    Solved YT Partner Program MCN Payment question

    So I was looking through the terms of the YT Partner Program contract, and it says Youtube will pay once my account reaches over $100. However, freedom pays me at the end of every month. Will freedom continue paying me at the end of every month regardless of how much revenue I earned or will...