
  1. Roachhie


    I hope this is the right place for this topic. But I am currently shopping for a new monitor for my PS4. I'm looking for opinions and suggestions on some of the better monitors I should look at it, but within a decent price range. Around $200 is what I'm goin for. Are there any good monitors out...
  2. StormMoreno

    Tips & Tricks Should I Monitor my Comments Strictly?

    As all of you might know some people love advertising on other people's channel. Should I delete all advertisements in my comments that have nothing to do with my videos, channel or even me? Should I limit who I get rid of such as anyone bigger than me. When this happens I only feel like I...
  3. Amiel

    Unboxings & Reviews The 2nd Item for my Gaming setup journey

    So I just received my new Monitor today, and I'm so excited to unbox it. This is the 2nd item to my gaming setup which im building slowly. It's a really good monitor for it's price. It's the BENQ GW2470H.