
  1. G

    Solved Being Accepted..

    Hey everyone, Just a quick question im trying to link my FREEDOM account to my Youtube and its saying im 1000+ In line and has been saying that for about two weeks now. Is there anything wrong as i want to put my content up but im having to wait quite a while :/ Just wouldnt mind knowing whats...
  2. Y

    Solved No me aparece ninguna invitación o aviso en mi DASHBOARD o PANEL

    Hola comunidad de Freedom, me dirijo a este foro debido a que ya tengo la cuenta creada en la plataforma de freedom y aún no me aparece la "ventan, "invitación", o "anuncio" de MCN Freedom, y muchisimo menos me aparece el "learn more" o "Saber más".. por favor si me pudieran decir si existe o no...
  3. RadioBracknell

    Solved Forums discord linking not working

    When I try and add my discord id (174597814909796353) it gives me the error invalid ID. I am unsure of how to fix this. to find it I entered \@benjisoft#4144 and it returned <@174597814909796353>
  4. MaStErOfGaMeS

    Solved How do I Link My 2nd YouTube Channel With Freedom?

    I've been trying to link my 2nd channel to Freedom but no matter what I do, it doesn't link and I don't know what else to do. I have added my channel to the Freedom dashboard but it won't link no matter what. I would really appreciate help with this if anyone knows. Thanks so much Freedomers!
  5. MaStErOfGaMeS

    Solved How to Link Two Channels to Freedom?

    I am trying to figure out how to link my 2nd channel to Freedom but no matter what, I can't figure it out. I added the channel but can't link it. I would really appreciate some help! Thanks!
  6. NerdyFilms

    Solved Linking not working

    Hello everyone, i was wondering if you could help. I use to have an account connected to freedom. however i did not want this channel, so i added a new one but it is still connected to the same email on youtube and on freedom. However, it says in my freedom dashboard that my account (nerdy...