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  1. Reefkey

    Tips & Tricks Microphone Fix! (I'm Serious)

    Alright hello everyone! I know some of us are not that fortunate to purchase a blue yeti or snowball or really, any of those high end microphones. Personally I'm using a $8~ karaoke microphone (yes, it works) and I used to have a problem where my recordings will be very soft and I'll have to put...
  2. Reefkey

    Gaming Here's an oversaturated introduction

    HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY GUYS ITS YA BOI (INSERT COOL USERNAME HERE) !!!!!!!! Hello viewers of this post, well since this is an introduction, let me just do that first, I can't be bothered to think of some random and OBVIOUSLY COOL usernames that youngsters use these days for their youtube channel...