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  1. TrisorSin

    Is it ok if I speak Greek instead of English ?

    Hello guys I am a new youtube channel ! And I wanted some opinions about the question above thanks in advance
  2. TrisorSin

    I need some help xD

    Hello Guys! I am Trisor I have started uploading on youtube 1 month or so ago! And I am mainly uploading overwatch Video! I started playing some indie and I really like horror games and I will soon start making some videos based on them! I want some feedback! I want you guys to tell my how my...
  3. TrisorSin

    Subscriber Milestone 30 Subs !

    Thanks a lot mate ! I hope you reach your milestones too !
  4. TrisorSin

    Subscriber Milestone 30 Subs !

    Hello everyone I am new here but I wanted to share with you that 2 days ago I hitted my first mileston which was 30 subs ! So I am really really happy about that xD ! Now my next one is to get 50 before 2017 I do not know if that is possible but I am willing to try ! Thank a lot for reading...
  5. TrisorSin

    Entertainment My first time here!

    Hello guys ! Thanks for welcoming me xD Thanks for the advice xD I uploaded a picture But I don't really have a singature yet xD
  6. TrisorSin

    Entertainment My first time here!

    Hello everyone ! Your name/alias: I am Spiros but I use Trisor as my nickname ! Where are you from?: I am from Greece ! How old are you?: I am 19 years old How did you find Freedom!? I just happened to stuble upon 1 of the videos on youtube when I was searching tips for my new Channel...