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  1. Collision

    Solved Copyright claims on fair use videos?

    Hello, I've done my researches and learnt a lot about copyright and fair use when my channel was unlinked from the network by the algorithm. And as I was cleaning my channel for a re-application, I found out that I have manual copyright claims on two videos that I believe they are fair use...
  2. Collision

    Solved Reviewing Freedom!'s agreement/contract

    Hello, I have been kicked out of the network a few weeks ago by the algorithm and I have the chance to get back after cleaning my channel if I just tell the support team to re-review it. Although, I couldn't find where to review my past agreement/contract with Freedom!. I would love to know...
  3. Collision

    Solved Question about Disassociate button

    Hello, a few weeks ago I have been kicked from Freedom! when they ran the sensitive algorithm. I contacted the support for review and they told me what things I violated about copyright. But I'm confused about one thing now, is my channel fully unlinked now? If I go to...
  4. Collision

    Solved What about my earnings?

    I have found out that my channel was unlinked from Freedom! and done what I can do most before messaging the support team, but there are a few things I would like to know about (that I've also messaged the team about) so I can take the decision as soon as possible. I don't know if I will receive...
  5. Collision

    Solved March earning

    Hello, I'm wondering when will March's YouTube earning will show up for me. Thanks.