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  1. CCGZero

    Service Good OBS Recording Settings

    and what processor do you have ?
  2. CCGZero

    Gaming CCGZero on Youtube

    i started because me and my friends wanted to make funny moments videos and yes i do wish to take part in esports one day. :)
  3. CCGZero

    Service Good OBS Recording Settings

    if i may ask what specs do you have on your PC? That will help me determine which settings will be best for you. Thanks - Nick
  4. CCGZero

    Gaming CCGZero on Youtube

    Hi My Name is Nick (CCGZero) and I'm 18 from the US. I upload League videos and other various games. I Joined Freedom about a year ago and have been loving it ever since. Whenever i need help or have a question the freedom, team responds asap and helps me resolve any problem that i have.I...