Recent content by TheCrestedPenguin

  1. TheCrestedPenguin

    Give your channel a professional look!

    Hey i'm in need of a Logo for my flight team how can i contact you?
  2. TheCrestedPenguin

    Service GFX Work (Paid)

    discord link is expired.
  3. TheCrestedPenguin

    Service Paid GFX (Cheap Prices)

    I'd like to have a logo made by you but its nothing for my Channel is for a community i'm trying to start, Contact me if interested ;)
  4. TheCrestedPenguin

    The video that beat my main channel...

    Well to start off... Burping at the start ain't really going to attract allot of people to your channel, other than that the lighting was weird. It looks like you are outside? Audio wise it was really hard to hear you over the audio of the video, And there being 4 squares on the screen it...
  5. TheCrestedPenguin

    Requesting feedback on my video

    So i've never really edited video's allot, I only do the very basics. But in my last video i tried to up my game, Also with the intro's and my voice i tried to up it a bit. Please tell me what i can improve and what you liked thank you.
  6. TheCrestedPenguin

    PC In need of people willing to collaborate on a PC/Mac platform!

    Hey i've got 3 of the games you mentioned but i do not have left for dead, Apart from that i am willing to colab with you if you want to. Would be some fun i think. My skype is firenathan123 if you want to add me :)
  7. TheCrestedPenguin

    VR *136 Voice Actors Needed For BIG Project*

    I'd be happy to help you my skype is TheCrestedPenguin if you want to contact me.