Recent content by Sgt.Twinkle toes

  1. Sgt.Twinkle toes

    Should I get water cooling or just more fans?

    Hey guys/girls I just wanted to know if I should spend my money on water cooling for my computer or just more fans that does job evenly spread out between eachother? ~ The guy that doesn't know anything :3
  2. Sgt.Twinkle toes


    If you have a whole bunch of money then go for the blue yeti but don't go for the big stuff like the audio technica because you might want to do something else but Youtube and then you just spent IDK... £500/$500? So go with the blue yeti or even the Samsung mic's. :3
  3. Sgt.Twinkle toes

    YOUR 2015 Game of the Year?

    Mate it's bloody....... Rust
  4. Sgt.Twinkle toes

    PC CS:GO

    Maybe we could do a CS:GO video? With meh friend :3
  5. Sgt.Twinkle toes

    PC CS:GO

  6. Sgt.Twinkle toes

    PC Hi, would like to do a collab!

    Yeah PM your skype and we can discuss
  7. Sgt.Twinkle toes

    How many hours do you have on a single game?

    I don't that much hours on a single player game because I usually just save them for let's plays and I usually play multiplayer game. Thanks for reading :3
  8. Sgt.Twinkle toes

    does minecraft take skill? XD

    In my opinion I think that it takes understanding for example creepers, when you get near them they blow up but most people go near them and then run away to avoid the explosion. And by building a house would you build a house near lava (wooden house) no because by physics it would catch fire...
  9. Sgt.Twinkle toes

    PC Hi, would like to do a collab!

    Hello if you're interested to do a collaboration with me and my friend Maxuranium then just reply! We play a variety of games like Garry's mod (Minigames), Minecraft (Minigames), CS:GO, TF2, Rust Payday 2 and alot more! *makes Georges creepy smile* My channel...
  10. Sgt.Twinkle toes

    PC Collaborate with me! I'm happy to!

    Ok, cheers mate
  11. Sgt.Twinkle toes

    YouTube Can I have some suggestions to help my banner?

    Hello, really I have been struggling to create my own unique banner so can I have some feedback on my banner it would really help me out a lot! + I'm not trying to advertise! :3
  12. Sgt.Twinkle toes

    PC Collaborate with me! I'm happy to!

    I have a variety of games just ask me what game to play and we can play it! Garry's Mod to Minecraft to CS:GO and much more! Just reply and I'll check out your channel and see if we can create a video together! Including my friend Maxuranium I think that we can have FUN! But you'll need a...
  13. Sgt.Twinkle toes

    Gaming Hello Freedomers

    Nice, you've got a specific upload time. :D