Recent content by OnlyRed

  1. OnlyRed

    What is the BEST game you have ever played?

    If you play on PS4 we can squad up
  2. OnlyRed

    What is the BEST game you have ever played?

    I get bored of it fast. I only bought it because my classmate was talking trash so I beat his butt in the game and he doesn't talk smack anymore :)
  3. OnlyRed

    T-Shirt Designs From This Guy!

    same here!
  4. OnlyRed

    Subscriber Milestone 400 subscribers

    Congrats on the milestone. I'd rather be moving than not at all, just keep grinding!
  5. OnlyRed

    What is the BEST game you have ever played?

    Oh man, of all time. I had 3 games that I'd grind as an even younger child. GTA: SA was the best, following was Halo and then CoD. However Just Cause 3 is free for the PS4 and I've been really diggin that. Just finished it so now I'm back to Siege.
  6. OnlyRed

    Service FREE GFX Service

    Hey, Freedom! so I just got back into design and I need you guys to help me. What better way to give to the community and help! There is a catch though, I'm going to make it a trial service. The first job is free and all the others you'll have to pay for. I do have requirements though so please...
  7. OnlyRed

    T-Shirt Designs From This Guy!

    Do you just make these on photoshop?
  8. OnlyRed

    My T-Shirt Designs | Andrew Tan

    Really dig the floral and Trap House design. I'm assuming you designed it with a tablet and a sketch software?
  9. OnlyRed


    If you think about it, you're technically not doing free banners. Free being as in I'll give you this and I get nothing in return, therefore being generous. The main point is that you're getting something in return.
  10. OnlyRed

    Who wants copy of Don't Starve Together ?

    It looks different than the games usually play. I mean at the end of the day a transaction does involve selling and buying. Either way you're still selling a game key. However I do say good luck w/ sales (glws).
  11. OnlyRed

    Community Hello Freedom!

    As long as you get exercise, right? Benefits a lot. Hahaha thanks! I play a lot of various games. I've been really diggin BTPS, Just Cause 3, Black Ops 3, and R6S. thanks, appreciate it.
  12. OnlyRed

    Post Your Best GFX Here!

    thanks. I didn't actually lower the opacity of the text I believe. I think it's because I didn't erase the CC on the text.
  13. OnlyRed

    Post Your Best GFX Here!

    This is my most recent
  14. OnlyRed

    Community Hello Freedom!

    Thanks for the welcome! I play basketball and golf, however, I'd love to play football and volleyball
  15. OnlyRed

    GFX Request Art Work Needed

    Hey if you want I can send you the person that did mine. I paid quite a bit for it though. Nothing like the prices on here.