Recent content by MissDerps

  1. MissDerps

    Subscriber Milestone Just hit 1.3k :D

    Now I've literally dropped about 10 subs and I'm at 1,299 again oh ;-; lol I think it was one of those where Youtube goes and deletes inactive accounts, I'm honestly not sure haha...
  2. MissDerps

    Subscriber Milestone Just hit 1.3k :D

    Thank you!! <33 Congrats on 1k views xD
  3. MissDerps

    Webcam. Why or Why Not?

    Most of the time unplugging mine would probably work too, but I'm planning on doing mostly drawing streams so even if it did get enough power I'd have to decide between one or the other haha :'D
  4. MissDerps

    Subscriber Milestone Just hit 1.3k :D

    My channel isn't growing v fast so I'm so happy to finally be celebrating this lil milestone!! <333 I'm looking forwards to a Face Reveal and Q&A coming up soon >u< #Hype jfkdljfdkl can't wait! :DDD
  5. MissDerps

    Gaming Hey there Derps and Derpettes :D

    Haha, that would be pretty kewl cx Maybe someday when I finish commissions LEL ;o; //20yearslater
  6. MissDerps

    Gaming Hey there Derps and Derpettes :D

    Thanks you so much Darkiii <33
  7. MissDerps

    Tips & Tricks 1080p or 60FPS?

    I think 1080p 30fps takes shorter to upload? But I've asked a lot of people and they would rather have 720p 60fps than 1080p xD Someday when I have better internet and it doesn't take me 2 hours to upload a 20 min video I'll be able to do 1080/60 :'D but I'd def recommend going 60fps whatever...
  8. MissDerps

    Subscriber Milestone 20 subs

    Keep that awesome train rolling!! :D Congrats on the big 2 0 :D
  9. MissDerps

    Subscriber Milestone 100 Subs!!!

    Congratulations Bossman :DD That's an amazing achievement for 2 months!!
  10. MissDerps

    Subscriber Milestone 25 Subscribers!

    Congratulation Bearkins!!! :D Imma go check out your channel, keep it up!! ouo
  11. MissDerps

    Subscriber Milestone I Hit 150 Subscribers!

    Congratulations!!!! :DD
  12. MissDerps

    YouTube Views Milestone 500+ views an hour on 1 video

    Ooooh congrats ouo I'll watch for it on the front page hehe ;D
  13. MissDerps

    Webcam. Why or Why Not?

    I don't use one bc I don't like my face :T and also bc I have a USB mic and drawing tablet and mouse and keyboard all plugged into the same usb.... if I plug my camera in it doesn't work because it doesn't get enough power :'D GG So one way or another I have to get more equipment and spend more...
  14. MissDerps

    When's the last time you got injured and why?

    Awww I hope your ankle feels better soon D: The worst I've had lately are little cuts, tho with like 10 of them on each hand it gets a little bothersome lel ;;;u;;; I also bruised my knee D: .... which wasn't too bad, until the next day I did hit it wrong and now I have double bruise ahaha xDD...