Recent content by HDFX

  1. HDFX

    Free Video Editing Software

    And unfortunately, the ones you mentioned above do not apply in openshot, shotcut. While on hitfilm express only on the filter or feature limits only. This app is absolutely free. No rendering restrictions and no watermarks of their brands.
  2. HDFX

    Educational Hi everyone.. let me introduce myself

    thanks too.. yes.. i'm very enjoy used this apps. good luck for you.
  3. HDFX

    Free Video Editing Software

    you can try one of these free video editor.. such as Openshot, Shotcut or may be Hitfilm express.. it's really nice video editor i've ever used.
  4. HDFX

    Free Video Editing Software

    Openshot and Shotcut is also free. and these apps available for linux, windows and macosx. nice..
  5. HDFX

    Educational Hi everyone.. let me introduce myself

    thanks for the feeds back. i'll try to follow your suggestion. thanks so much.. Yes, I really like the design and until now I still learn and always try to share knowledge for anyone who wants to deepen photoshop. thanks for commenting. good luck for you...
  6. HDFX


    What is the correct portion of usage if we take other people's videos to fit the fair use rules. Here I do not understand the right portion.
  7. HDFX

    Why are PC's so expensive?!

    I think we should take note of our needs for the computers we are going to use. Are we gonna play a heavy game? Doing office activities or what kind? By knowing these needs, we can build a computer according to our needs. So we can avoid the bloated expenses.
  8. HDFX


    Is it possible to monetize videos with fair use licenses?
  9. HDFX

    YouTube List your video editing software

    Program name : HITFilm Express Where to buy it URL : for hitfilm express, you can get it free at hitfilm[dot]com/express Intermediate level : This application is very easy to understand, even though we are still a beginner. List of features the program offers : you can check at their site...
  10. HDFX

    Educational Hi everyone.. let me introduce myself

    Hello, my name is Hooda. I came from Indonesia. I hope by joining with freedom and in this forum can add knowledge and can grow my network that I am building. I created a youtube channel by discussing topics about photoshop. If any suggestions, give me feedback to get better. And I say best...