Recent content by FortniteTBH

  1. FortniteTBH

    YouTube What kind of videos do you make?

    Very interesting. ;)
  2. FortniteTBH

    Resources Fortnite Flame Thumbnail Template

    Very nice, thanks my man.
  3. FortniteTBH

    Subscriber Milestone First small milestone!!

    Congratulations my dude. Even though 10 is pretty minimal you'll start gaining more and more eventually you'll be nearing 100 then 1,000! Keep on grinding my dude.
  4. FortniteTBH

    Subscriber Milestone 60,000+ subs

    Congratulations! Now it's time for a million!
  5. FortniteTBH

    YouTube What kind of videos do you make?

    I make Fortnite videos, pretty fun yeh.
  6. FortniteTBH

    Gaming FortniteTBH Here to Takeover ;)

    Hey everyone! Well according to the title I'm here to takeover.. well not really, however, I'm here to dominate the YouTube scene and prove to everyone how easy it is to grow even starting from literally NOTHING! I was looking everywhere for any communities to join and I came across this one...