Recent content by dhyatt52

  1. dhyatt52

    Screen capture software

    Anyone know of a good screen capture software to recommend for mac? My trial of Camtasia ended and quicktime makes over bloated files.
  2. dhyatt52

    Video Editor Purchase - Intermediate Level

    awesome info...but I prefer using after effects myself.
  3. dhyatt52

    How to stay motivated?

    I stay motivated by watching other youtube successors.
  4. dhyatt52

    Youtuber's Meet Up 2016!

    hmm. not interested if not american friendly.
  5. dhyatt52


    I'm a 3D Multimedia Artist....Do a bit of everything; digital painting, 3D animation, 3D modeling, video editing, videography, photography, comic books, Pro Graphic Designer. Inventor. Been uploading videos...but having a hard time building subscribers and getting views. Any help/advice -Dave...