Recent content by BatchGaming

  1. BatchGaming

    Solved I need To Be Switched

    What has happened to the big list you can transfer to? :( Was thinking joining Gaming Bots but can't as not there and only shows Freedom
  2. BatchGaming

    Gaming Return to Helghan

    Hey everyone. Check out my newest video that I have placed onto my channel. It is my return to Killzone 3's multiplayer mode on Guerilla Warfare and created a montage video of the best bits of the session. This also features my new outro card at the end of the video. Feedback on this would be...
  3. BatchGaming

    Official May 2016 Monthly Contest - $100 in Prizes!

    Here is my channel trailer for the Batch Gaming for 2016. Screenshot of the channel page:
  4. BatchGaming

    Complaints Transferring Networks

    Hi Freedom. I am typing here to complain and suggest to fix the process of transferring network within Freedom. First of all, it should not take TWO MONTHS to transfer across to another sub-network. This should be completed the very same day or so within receiving the request and also...
  5. BatchGaming

    Gaming Taking Out The Trash

    Ha ha. It's quite difficult to be honest. You have to be eco-friendly and not destroy mottainai, scatter rubbish or have rubbish fall out of the bin. In the video, I literally got away with it a couple of times and could have had 3 out and game over.
  6. BatchGaming

    Gaming Taking Out The Trash

    How much trash can Batch put in a bin? Revisiting an old PS3 puzzle game thanks to PlayStation Now.
  7. BatchGaming

    Live Throwback Thursday: Batman Arkham Asylum Part 2

    Resuming the Batman Arkham Asylum playthrough...
  8. BatchGaming

    Gaming Skype Gaming Group to help each other grow.

    Well worth joining in everyone :)
  9. BatchGaming

    Live Throwback Thursday: Batman Arkham Asylum

    Throwback Thursday! I play through Batman Arkham Asylum
  10. BatchGaming

    Live The Division Beta

    Batch plays through The Division Beta
  11. BatchGaming

    Live Throwback Thursday: F.E.A.R.

    Will Batch be 'F.E.A.R.'ing for his life when he plays the first game, thanks to now being available through PlayStation Now? Watch to find out.
  12. BatchGaming

    Gaming Batch Gaming website

    My website has had a spruce up recently and I hope that you can come and take a look at it. I have also gained a writer for the site. If anyone wishes to provide content for the site, they are more than welcome to. Just register up and then private message on the website to be given the...
  13. BatchGaming

    Gaming Tatooine Tuesday

    LIVE NOW: Tatooine Tuesday - Batch and Angus attempts to complete a mission on Star Wars Battlefront.
  14. BatchGaming

    Gaming Revisiting Rapture

    I decided to play the original Bioshock available on the PlayStation Now service. Enjoy watching the catch-up version of the livestream from last night.
  15. BatchGaming

    Live DiRT Showdown

    Come and watch the fun of DiRT Showdown being played through PlayStation Now on PS4.