Recent content by BaccaPlaysGaming

  1. BaccaPlaysGaming

    Service Free YT Banner By MG MODZ

    Name: Chris YT Channel: Text wanted: ChrisDaBac (Rebranding, Majorly need this) Subtext (if desired): Possibly Minecraft and More! Color Scheme: Blue, and Black or White, Whatever will look best Any ideas: I think I would like a freedom...
  2. BaccaPlaysGaming

    GFX Request Rebranding and need a Banner and Logo

    Hello anyone reading this! I am rebranding from BaccaPlaysGaming to a name I chose ChrisDaBac. Changing my name means I will need a new banner and logo, I am offering around $1.50 now or around $5 by the end of the month, I am look for a gaming banner with possibly some minecraft theme in it...
  3. BaccaPlaysGaming

    Service Free Logos!!!

    Name: Chris (YT Name: ChrisDaBac) YT Channel: (Rebranding my channel) Text wanted: ChrisDaBac Subtext (if desired): no Color Scheme: Blue Any ideas: Maybe minecraft based if possible but nothing to much, I would like it gaming based Email...
  4. BaccaPlaysGaming

    I need some honest opinions!

    Thank you for the opinion! Thank you for the opinion! Btw the youtube name would be ChrisDaBac - Minecraft and More So it could still state gaming, sorry for not all the details there
  5. BaccaPlaysGaming

    I need some honest opinions!

    So I am kinda wanting to change my name from BaccaPlaysGaming to ChrisDaBacc, any opinions on which sounds better (BaccaPlaysGaming is un-original because of "Plays" but sounds ok, ChrisDaBacc is original)
  6. BaccaPlaysGaming

    Solved I may not be partnered with Freedom! anymore?

    I have been re-invited to Freedom! Thanks everyone for the support. I knew the community was good! Thank you all!
  7. BaccaPlaysGaming

    Solved I may not be partnered with Freedom! anymore?

    I do not have any copyright strilkes and at the time that video may have actually not been monetized. Ok thank you! I created a ticket, hopefully it will be resolved soon
  8. BaccaPlaysGaming

    Solved I may not be partnered with Freedom! anymore?

    My freedom dashboard says "You are missing out on potential revenue. One or more of your channels in your Freedom! account is not yet partnered with Youtube. Follow this to learn how to monetize your channels. Clearly I am partnered because it shows my one and only channel's statistics but it...