Gaming Looking to collaborate with someone to make a Top Stealth games list.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jul 10, 2016
What's going on everyone! My name is SharkNinja,and I hope all of you are having a great time! Anyways let's focus on the matter hand. Recently I have uploaded to my channel a video under the title of Top 6 Open World games of all time. After uploading it, I realized how much hardowork it took for me to edit and create that video. However it was an enjoyable project! So as a result of that I set out to make another Top 6 list this time about the Top 6 Stealth games of all time! Here I would like to offer the role as a voiceover for some of the parts in the video! If you would like to write your own script out then that would be great as well! If anyone is intrested the requirements are as follows:
1. A clear microphone(can be in the form of a headset,built-into-laptop,or anything really) which dosen't make additional noises that blur your voice out or obnoxious to the audience.
2. A workspace to read the script that dosen't create additional sounds that may blur your voice. ex: fans, talking, exct.
3. Must own a youtube gaming channel, it doesn't have to be partnered to freedom.
4. Must be able to speak english fluently, I don't care about your accent or ethnicity, but make sure your voice can be heard and understood by most people when talking in english.

and thats it! If you are intrested and meet all the requirements listed above. Then feel free to contact me via skype to discuss further details of the production.
Skype: squidy29
My youtube channel:

Thank you guys for your time, and this is SharkNinja signing out!

EDITED: Position is closed.
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New User
Jan 17, 2016
Yo, i'm interested in the work you have open for people to do. I am not very experienced with things lie voice overs but i think i can manage. The only possible problem is my voice take a look at this video to see how my voice is |
|. Thanks for doing Business!


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jul 10, 2016
Yo, i'm interested in the work you have open for people to do. I am not very experienced with things lie voice overs but i think i can manage. The only possible problem is my voice take a look at this video to see how my voice is |
|. Thanks for doing Business!
Maybe not as a voiceover but if you'd like I'd be more than happy to do side by side gameplay with you. Just add my skype and we'll work something out! :D skype: squidy29


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jul 10, 2016
By the way everyone the position is still open! I will update or delete this post if someone takes the position.