Service I will review your channel



Hello guys.
I am a designer and web developper and i will review your channel and said what you can improve or what you need to change to make better content

Instead it will be nice if you will subscribe to my channel

Does my channel look good or?


Rising User
I would really appreciate it if you would take a look at my channel and give me some feedback since my viewers don't seem to want to. lol If you do happen to look at my channel, thank you. it's nice to see YouTubers helping each other out! :D here's my channel:


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Hey! You can check out my channel if you want to!
Your channel looks good

Does my channel look good or?
Nice channel you can maybe work on the thumbnails

heyy can i have one please
You can work on the titles for example you do "new intro" you should do "New Intro" or just "New intro"
And try to get custom thumbnails in your videos

Hello , l like to see my channel and tell me what can I do better. Thank so much.
Try to get an avatar a banner , thumbnails and try to improve the audio quality record directly the system audio not the mic

I would really appreciate it if you would take a look at my channel and give me some feedback since my viewers don't seem to want to. lol If you do happen to look at my channel, thank you. it's nice to see YouTubers helping each other out! :D here's my channel:

Nice channel have nothing to say


Respected User
Freedom! Member


Rising User
I make youtube tutorial videos about how to download people's favourite game's for free, also, i am about to start a seccion where i make tutorials inside games (Mainly KerbalSpaceProgram). Any suggestions of how to improve channel quality?
So many of these review sub forums have sprung up recently. Its nice to see the community coming together to help each other out.

I would love to have my channel and website reviewed I would do it for someone else also, love being a part of freedom, my channel is an alternate media news channel backed up by the website and a host of social media platforms, after learning so much on YouTube I am now very much an established channel and have made great friends around the world although still small channel wise I am established and have great supporti hope to gain more support from freedom partners. I must also give a big shout out to another freedom member EnterThe5t4rz the guy I look up to in the line of work in in and he recruited me giving me a huge boost to move on with my channel, I have been hammered a bit lately with cyber attacks on my equipment stopping me taking all my plans for the year into action but I have done very well building my social media platforms during the same time. You could see my website and YouTube with over 500 videos, 70 pages on website and my Twitter is connecting the truth community by the second with retweets all sharing to my website via blogger, Twitter, tumblr, Facebook page, Google+, Instagram plus it all retweets anyone I add to my system creating quite an information highway all centred around Emchanted LifePath and friends along the way. Hope you can become another.

Best readdress

Enchanted LifePath
Liverpool, England, UK

[email protected]