Gaming Hey guys! I'm ThePetros14


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Aug 16, 2014
Hey guys I'm ThePetros14 And I just wanted to introduce myself for those of you who don't know me.
I make Gaming Videos and I've been out of the loop for a little bit on recording so I'm behind. I do Call of Duty Content, as well as Minecraft, Destiny and more. If you guys could go check me out and Give feedback that would be great. But that's up to you guys. Thanks for checking me out and If you want to spread the word about me!
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Active Member
Freedom! Member
Oct 27, 2015
Hello Petros, and welcome to the Freedom Forums! I hope you enjoy your time and which Call of Duty to you play and what system?
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Forum Administrator // YouTuber... -ish
Freedom! Member
Feb 21, 2014
Hey there!

Welcome to the Freedom! forums. Please tell us more about yourself, you can edit your post and follow this template for reference.

Here are some other things you can do as a new member:
  • Learn how to add a link to your channel below your signature here (fix that error! :D)
  • Read through the forum rules
  • Check out our FAQs
Good luck with your channel and happy foruming! :D


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Oct 20, 2015
Hey guys I'm ThePetros14 And I just wanted to introduce myself for those of you who don't know me.
I make Gaming Videos and I've been out of the loop for a little bit on recording so I'm behind. I do Call of Duty Content, as well as Minecraft, Destiny and more. If you guys could go check me out and Give feedback that would be great. But that's up to you guys. Thanks for checking me out and If you want to spread the word about me!

i play too BO2 in my channel .. welcome to freedom ... and enjoy your time here ;) :)


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Oct 31, 2015
Welcome to the community! CoD Eh? What are your preferences in style of gameplay? I tend to give myself a challenge and run minimalist. In BO2, I would give myself only a knife and perks, and force myself to steal opponents weapons in order to progress!


Ambitious Entertainer
Freedom! Member
Jul 17, 2015
Welcome To Freedom! ;D

You might wanna introduce yourself to the public more so that we can know more about you and what you do , and that can be simply done by taking the Template on the Sticky Threads!

I loved your sniping montage that was dope :D , but i think you should improve your graphics because your channel is great in content , but the graphics can really help people click on your videos specially if they had some good thumbnails , and also Banner and Logo can really add more value to your channel which can give people a good impression about your channel :D



Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Hey guys I'm ThePetros14 And I just wanted to introduce myself for those of you who don't know me.
I make Gaming Videos and I've been out of the loop for a little bit on recording so I'm behind. I do Call of Duty Content, as well as Minecraft, Destiny and more. If you guys could go check me out and Give feedback that would be great. But that's up to you guys. Thanks for checking me out and If you want to spread the word about me!
Welcome To The Community Make Your Self At Home Enjoy The Community Life :D


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Aug 16, 2014
Welcome to the community! CoD Eh? What are your preferences in style of gameplay? I tend to give myself a challenge and run minimalist. In BO2, I would give myself only a knife and perks, and force myself to steal opponents weapons in order to progress!
I personally love to do quickscoping (as you can probably tell from my montage) im a big run and gun guy, but i can also sit and wait. I would love to be able to go pro. But i dont have the money to go to events and such :/[DOUBLEPOST=1446500284][/DOUBLEPOST]
Welcome To Freedom! ;D

You might wanna introduce yourself to the public more so that we can know more about you and what you do , and that can be simply done by taking the Template on the Sticky Threads!

I loved your sniping montage that was dope :D , but i think you should improve your graphics because your channel is great in content , but the graphics can really help people click on your videos specially if they had some good thumbnails , and also Banner and Logo can really add more value to your channel which can give people a good impression about your channel :D

Thanks for the reply man! Means a lot!
Last edited:


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Aug 16, 2014

I DO MINECRAFT TOO!! You told us about your channel but not a lot about yourself :( You can do so by using this Template :)

I hope you have a great time here on Freedom!

Glad to have you here!

Okay so I personally would rather to keep my name out of this for now xD Sorry.
I live in Florida and I live in a really small town
Currently I'm 17 years of age and am loving life.
I found freedom because I was looking at many MCNs and I saw that this one payed fairly well and i could leave at any time so I decided to give it a shot.
The community here at Freedom is amazing. I love the way that everyone really does act like a big family
I enjoy Video Editing, Playing Video Games, Playing Music (I'm actually really bad but I still enjoy it), I LOVE to read.
I love to eat Pizza I mean who doesn't love pizza xD there are so many different versions of it.
I started YouTube because of my love of video games. I enjoy playing them all the time and am a pretty big fanatic and supporter because of the way that many games make you think more about things than even School does.
My biggest dream is so become successful in Video Editing, I plan on Going to College and Getting a Major in Editing Film and Post Production (YouTube definitely helps with this.) My other big Dream that goes along with this is Becoming a Professional Call of Duty Player. I SOOOO Want to get to the big circuit and play with the big dogs and show my worth. I think I'm pretty good; but I know I'm always getting better and I can always learn. 0
I run a Gaming Channel and I havent really been able to upload in the past month or two regularly because of School and other events that are happening in my life. (But I'm defiantly on my way back into things.)
I Upload Things like Call of Duty (Multiplayer Games), Destiny, Single Player Games Such as Tomb Raider (It was my first actual Let's Play and I Loved The Game!!! Cant Wait For The 2nd Game <3)
My current Plan is to come back into things slowly starting my uploads on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. But then working my way into an Every day schedule, Except for Sundays I don't Upload on Sundays Because I have Sundays for Religious reasons and its a day off for me.
My channel link is
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