What is Woodle Tree 2: Worlds (English subtitles)

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Jan 25, 2018 at 5:12 PM
Posted by General Taggart
Woodle Tree 2: Worlds is a child friendly platformer by Fabio Ferrara /Chubby Pixel.

Game is playable game and it has received some updates after its initial release.

A game currently lacks any checkpoint progression saving and seems to start from the same starting point every time you start this game again.

Ok, the game saves your progress as you collect some water drops from all around the levels.

But I can see it's potential if the maker of this game still continue to update this game.

After better checkpoints and a little tuning it would be very playable game.

I received this game from keymailer.co and thanks to go to Fabio Ferrara /Chubby Pixel.

Steam store page for this game

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