Reaper of Souls - Achievement Guide - Generalizing

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Aug 16, 2017 at 2:31 PM
Posted by Fluffy
0:00 - The Death of King Justinian - begin at Act 5.2 (Souls of the Dead); speak with General Torion. Given the nature of this conversation, I believe it may only be available upon completion of the "The True Son of The Wolf" event that occurs in Clyfton Hall (Westmarch Heights). If the conversation is not available to you, look for the Clyfton Hall area spawn in the Westmarch Heights, complete the event, then attempt to have this conversation.

0:30 - The Last Holdouts - start at the "Talk to the Mystic" quest-checkpoint under Act 5.2 (Souls of the Dead); speak with General Torion.
0:54 - Reinforcements - available immediately after having the conversation "The Last Holdouts" with General Torion.
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