Brave Fencer Musashi [24] | End Credits

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Aug 16, 2017 at 2:33 PM
Posted by Fluffy
The ending cutscene(s) and credits for Brave Fencer Musashi.

My apologies for the delay of this video post - too many things went wrong that I tried to fix, but just couldn't:

+ There is music during the credits. Incredible music, I must say - I love this game's soundtrack to death. However, the music was fine every time I *wasn't* recording, but every time I *was* recording, it was choppy and...just outright horrid. I tried many times/ways to fix it, but I just couldn't - so I had to mute the audio during the credits to spare you the horror.

+ The credits are - somehow - in a slightly different resolution than the rest of the cutscenes before and after; this caused some bizarre cropping issues that I could not resolve by normal means. I had to remedy this by just recording/rendering a larger-than-necessary video area - this is why you may notice that there is a great deal more "black" area around the edges of this video than any other.

Disclaimer: I do not own, or claim to own, any part of the displayed content - the art, music, etc...was all created by, and is owned/copyrighted by, Square. I have no affiliation/association, or claim to have any affiliation/association with Square.
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