Gaming ZecronixHD Youtube


New User
Feb 2, 2016
Your name:Ben
Where are you from?:Uk

How old are you?:12

How did you find Freedom!?I found it from a friend who i met and i asked how do i collect money/make money via youtube and he said the only partner who will probaly accept me is freedom and i was like oh!
So i could get more views and subs AND THAT WAS A YES!!!
So i figured if search this up and i found you which i am really glad i have! But how do i accept partnership because i cant see the learn more button.

What made you join our forums?:To introduce myself to 100 and thousends of people who will hopefully like my content i make.

What are your hobbies?:Gaming and eating.

What is your favorite food?Your making me hungary now umm faviourite food Spaghetti bolonaise and garlic bread xD

Why did you start YouTube? To make more friends and really just to entertain and the only reason i started is because people at school encoraged me to make a youtube channel and help me through because they thought i was funny :| xD

What is your biggest dream? My biggest dream really is to have a nice and epic community from youtube and to have a nice time not to be bad or anything and i also hope to have a nice job! so thats why i cant upload daily because of some after school stuff.

What kind of channel do you run?: I run a gaming channel i might be doing a vlog sooner or later I dont know because that means a face reveal :eek:

What kind of content do you upload? Minecraft, I might be uploading some unturned and warface but yea thats the only games i can record with a reasonable frame rate

When do you upload?:Really just depends on school home work and time im trying to upload weekly but its just not happening :(

Channel link: