VR YouTuber Meetup/Banter Skype Conversation (Mainly gamers but other channels too)


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Jan 11, 2015
Hello! YouTuber Meetup/Banter Skype chat is sadly no longer going to be posting to Freedom! (Yes, we will still accept you to join)
Basically, we're a Skype chat with around 50 members where YouTubers join (Do the command /alertsoff to prevent spam) and talk, meet and collaborate. Many friends have been found this way and a lot of collaborations too!
We have a few rules, but nothing too bad really

1. No racism, homophobia, heterophobia, sexism or nationalism. A few instances of this, you will be let off with (Just people have a free pass to return the favour) and then you shall be kicked
2. You can't get offended by swearing or sexual references. The chat is quite loose with the way we talk, if you get offended by that well you're probably breaking our next rule.
3. You must be over 13 years of age. YouTube's minimum age requirement is 15, anyone breaking YouTube's Ts&Cs shall be removed.
4. Don't spam. Even though alerts are off, this can still get irritating when people are trying to talk. Simple as.
5. Don't disguise links. We don't want you saying something like "Hey check out my new video <Insert link>" and it taking us to somewhere disturbing. If you send anything like a bit.ly link we will ask you to show the full link.
6. Don't get angry at any pranks/jokes. Everyone is here for a good time, we now and again play tricks on eachother like one time, a link was sent taking everone to their own Facebook profile, no harm is done. If you would get mad at this, don't join.
7. Don't ask for people to pay you/lend you money. This is a chat, not a bank. You may offer someone some but nothing else.
8. Don't change the name or picture of the conversation. Few instances of this and you're out - This can cause confusion

Feel free to reply with any questions here, and to join simply message me on Skype at yangy.young