
Active Member
Freedom! Member
Sep 7, 2016
United States
Hey, Freedom! I was going to share my Papers, Please video that I uploaded today, but I realized I neglected to share a rather important video with you all. If you didn't know, May is Mental Health Awareness Month (this past week was the primary week for it), and I made a video to hopefully boost everyone's self esteem and such if you're going through things. Please always remember that you are not alone! There are people that care about you and your well being, whether you realize it or not. I hope you take the time to watch my video on this, and share it with this that need the things to be said. In the video's description, I have linked an app called Talk Life for those that need someone to talk to, as well as numbers for suicide crisis lines if you feel you or someone else needs them. Thanks for your time. <3