Gaming Welcome to my channel


Mar 1, 2014
Hi @CosmicVoidd,

Welcome to the Freedom! Community!

A gaming channel, cool! My channel used to be a gaming focused channel till I introduced more tech products, and now it seems to be more of a tech channel than a gaming channel. Due to that reason, I've been thinking of creating a dedicated gaming channel. :)

What kind of gaming content do you plan on uploading to your channel? I've noticed that you have some Call of Duty Black Ops II videos up already. Please tell us a bit more about yourself, I'm sure the community would like to get to know you better! You can check out the introduction template if you need some starting ideas!

Click here to view the introduction template!

Also drop by the "Gaming Discussion" section some time if you haven't already done so! While it's not a place to share your videos, it's a great place to discuss all things gaming with your fellow community members.

Click here to visit "Gaming Discussion"!

I look forward to seeing you around!