Gaming VulcanExMachina, Pokemon Channel


New User
Nov 22, 2015
My name: My name is VulcanExMachina but also go by Vulcan
How old am I?: I'm currently 17.
How did I find Freedom!?: I was contacted by Network on Twitter and they have a partnership with Freedom.
What made me join the forums?: It seemed like a good place to interact with others as well as see what new content there is I might enjoy.
What are my hobbies?: Gaming, obviously, but I also do a bit of sword fighting.
What is my favorite food?: Difficult question but I would have to say my mother's smoked ribs.
Why did I start YouTube?: I started doing YouTube due to something my brother told me a few years ago. He would always ask me where to find an item or a certain Pokemon in a game and I would know exactly (or almost exactly) where it was. He told me I should start doing walkthroughs or let's plays of games cause he thought I would be good at it. I would have loved to but I lacked the resources to do it. In June I gained these resources and found every way I could to try and share my content. Pokemon pages on Google, telling my friends to check it out, and everything in between. I love doing what I do and wish to continue.
What is my biggest dream? To be honest, I would love to be able to support a family just by being able to do this. Be the stay at home dad who bonds with their kids over video games or whatever they want to do since I wouldn't be trapped in an office space all day.
What kind of channel do I run?: Primarily Pokemon, again on obvious, but I do live stream different games such as Skyrim, and Legend of Zelda.
When do I upload?: I try to upload as daily as possible but if things get hectic it kinda slows down but I try to keep 3 a week minimum.
Channel link:


Mar 1, 2014
Hi @VulcanExMachina,

Welcome to the Freedom! Community!

Pokemon is a great franchise, I used to play Pokemon Platinum on my Nintendo DS and talked about it a bunch with my other friends who also had the same game. It was a great time, and the game definitely did good for our friendship! Sometimes I got stuck on parts of the game and when we all can't find a solution, we'd turn to YouTube. Wish you were around back then! :p

You should drop by the "Gaming Discussion" section some time if you haven't already. There are many interesting discussions around gaming there and perhaps you can create a few of your own!

Click here to visit "Gaming Discussion"!

Also you do sword fighting? That's really awesome! I had four classes for fencing in my tenth grade Physical Education class and it was tons of fun, everyone loved it.

I look forward to seeing you around, good luck with that dream of yours!