Gaming VeroxusPvP | Minecraft Potion PvP


Rising User
Mar 31, 2015
Hi, my name is Kevin Pannu, and I am known as Veroxus on my YouTube channel.

I am from the United States, and I love to play Minecraft Potion PvP, and I am 16 years old.
I found Freedom from my friend AnalPostage (Please don't mind the name). I joined the forums to find new YouTubers to interact and potentially collaborate with. My hobbies are gaming, as well as hanging out with friends and watching movies with my family. My favorite food is my mother's Spinach Soup Rice dish, it was a recipe she learned when she was in Singapore. I started YouTube to find people to meet and to make new friends. My biggest dream is to reach 10,000 Subscribers on YouTube, and I hope that I can do it this year! I run a Minecraft PotionPvP Channel, and I upload a duel about every two weeks. I don't want to upload too often, because I don't want to spam my viewers. I upload quality and edited content, and I hope you all enjoy and subscribe to my channel. It's a pleasure joining the Freedom Forums.