Gaming TGCFalex


New User
Nov 22, 2015
Hello Everyone I am TGCFalex

I am a 13 year old gamer who hopes to entertain a few people while having fun. If you check my channel it has been a week since I last uploaded and for that I apologize. I have switched computers and I lost my video editing software. You may notice that I sound a bit shy in some of my videos but I am working on my confidence and I am trying to let my inner personalty shine! If you find any of this interesting maybe you could check my channel out over here:


Mar 1, 2014
Hi @TGCFalex,

Welcome to the Freedom! Community!

Haha if you're sorry for a week of no uploads then I am guilty of three weeks of no content on my channel! Life gets in the way a lot of the time, it might not be the best excuse but I'm sure your audience will understand. :)

I have a shy personality as well! I want to be a confident person and I really hate how getting into some social situations like speaking can make me nervous and I see YouTube as a solution to that. One of the best ways to conquer your fears is to expose yourself to it, that's why I do YouTube. It's nice to see someone I can relate to!

I see that you have tagged your post with the "Gaming Channel" prefix, and that you have a nice variety of games on your channel. What has been your favourite game to work with on your channel thus far? I have really enjoyed playing and working with Minecraft, I've noticed that you have some Minecraft content too! Speaking of games, you should drop by the "Gaming Discussion" section if you haven't already!

Click here to visit "Gaming Discussion"!

I look forward to seeing you around!