Simple YouTube thumbnails & Banners


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Feb 26, 2014
Hi there Nuke! Since you said you wanted feedback, I'm going to go through and give honest feedback and say how you could improve it, and what you did well.

The Thumbnail
Okay, so there's a few things to address here. There's a lot of open space on the thumbnail which could be better used by putting more images there, or by enlarging your text on the thumbnail to fill it (Since they do look a tad thin) You could also add a drop shadow to the Black Ops 3 text, because at the moment it looks quite out of place, as if it's just been slapped on top of the image, and a drop shadow will help it to stand out and capture the viewer's eye. The zombie is also a little dark, and from what I could tell, it's from Black ops 2! (Black ops 2 zombies have blue eyes, and Black Ops 3 zombies have orange eyes). The blue background of the thumbnail is well done though.

The Banner
The colours on here are good, they fit well and help don't look out of place, but all of the text looks really 2D, not really standing out. The text at the top (Follow - Like - Subscribe) is obviously extremely squished, making it hard to read. The text near "Connect with me" is also very hard to read, as it's all very thin and sized down. The font you used for the whole banner is a bit thin, and it would be a lot better if you used a wider/bigger font, because it would be easier to read then. I noticed that you've also got a lot of open space near the middle of your banner that you could use to scale up the "Connect with me" box/section.

Now, considering this only took you 5 minutes it's a good attempt, but if you want a genuinely good banner and thumbnail you're going to need to spend longer on it than this :)

Please don't take any of this the wrong way, and sorry if it offended you, but you asked for feedback, so I gave you constructive criticism with ways that you could improve them. Have a nice day! :)