Gaming Sad YT Story & New Channel Name! (Check Out Please)


New User
Jan 2, 2016
Hello! My name is David, and I've aspired to be a youtuber since I was like what, 10? 9? Well yeah that's how long I've wanted to do it but now I'm 14, and after a little bit of investing, and gifts, I can finally kind of do it. I have always loved video games, ever since I was 2 or 3 years old. After a little bit of time, and learning how to edit, and finally getting decent content, I'm starting to get where I've wanted to be for a long time. My best friend also. Tried to kill herself again, recently. And I've been super worried, but I've been pushing through it, even though it's really hard to think that she may be gone one day. She means absolutely everything to me and the last thing I want to have happen is her not be okay. But aside from that, my channel is growing, slowly but surely. Now I only have like 17 subs at the moment, but that's 17 people! Like there's a group of people who enjoy my videos! I also got a comment saying that for my channel being this small, my content is really good. That means a lot to me even though it was just one person. And I've been uploading almost daily since last weekish and I'm getting there. I can't wait for more people to find my channel and maybe if they laugh or giggle decide to click the subscribe button. YT Channel: TurtleBrigade (Will make it spaced out, make sure you click the one with it not spaced apart, and my channel should be the first one up there.)