Gaming [PC][PS4] Looking for collaborators.


New User
Oct 1, 2016
*NOTES: I do not have XBOX.
I have requirements.

Hello, my name is Liam, a 16 year old British teenager that has the desire to become a YouTuber. I record 1080p quality recordings at 1920x1080 resolution, therefore no blackbars on my videos and also professional recordings. However, my channel is dead. I have only two recordings and I have no one to play with.

Why have I not uploaded?: I've had a few errors with my recording software, I couldn't play longer for 10 seconds (massive bug) and just fixed it with an OS reset last night. So I'm back to recording.

You can add me via these applications:
Steam: ID/Commedi (or search "commedi" in the search bar).
Skype: live:liam.seymour42
PSN: Vignre_

I normally use Discord to chat with people (unfortunately I don't know how to get my profile tag) but I can definitely use Skype as well.

*NOTE: No sub requirement.
- Please have a good microphone, if you do have a headset I would always put it under your chin. Putting it down as advice for anyone out there. What I traditionally mean by good microphones is estimately good and clear audio without much background noise.
- Have good or decent art for your channel. It can improve over time but I always believe art-presentation to be useful and good for a new channel. My opinion *again* so just contact me regardless. It's just a preferential matter.
- If you have a high pitched voice, please do not add me. I find it very difficult to hear properly and I'm more or less uncomfortable with that type of voice pattern.

- To put it to the truth, I'm very shy when people add me or when we first meet and get in the chat or in some cases. I normally get distracted which is normal for me and I'm one of those strange characters in anyone's life
that goes off-track and sometimes start saying words improperly. Like a speech impediment.
- I do not check the forums much and my details I included in this thread I would seriously recommend going there first.

Thanks and I hope to make good friends here.