Gaming New COD Commentator!


New User
Dec 18, 2015
Hey guys! My name is Jason, or Misery, whichever you guys prefer. I've started this amazing channel with the hopes of teaching others how to play and play well! I'm from Texas and am 23. I have high hopes and dreams for this channel and my future with it! If you'd like to check me out click here!

I'm also looking for people to collaborate with to make new friends and partners! I'm not limited to any game and would love the opportunity to working with you.


Distinguished User
May 15, 2014
San Francisco, California
Welcome to Freedom Jason! Good to see another COD commentator here in the forums :D How're things in Black Ops 3 btw? Getting some good pubstomping in there? ;) The DLC drops in about a month and it's sure to be a good one! Also it's great that you're open to trying new games out. I've actually found a few games I play on my free time that friends recommended to me (and aren't FPS games xD). Anyways good luck out there man! If you need something there are plenty of helpful people in this community so ask away :) Have an awesome day! - Brandon

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