PC Need Minecraft Faculty Staff.


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 19, 2015
Hello Everyone! I am in need of some staff for a server i am looking to make. I am in need of about 10 experienced builders, 1 Head-Admin. 5 Regular Admin, and about 10 Moderators. I will add ranks as soon as the server is up but this is what i need right now. The server will be started when i get payed next week.

Must Be 15+ Of Age
Must Have At Least 2+ Years Of Minecraft Experience (Will Check Account)
Must Apply With Form Provided Below
Must Be Respectful And Able To Follow Simple and Difficult Instructions
Must Be Able To Listen To Others
Must Have Fun :)

*Until The Server Starts To Bring In Money There Will Be No Payments. Please Understand I Am 16 and Don't Have A Steady Source Of Income.

Contact Information
Skype: GamingDecayYT
Email: [email protected]
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/GamingDecayYT

Email/Way Of Contact:
Years Of Minecraft Experience:
Why We Should Pick You:
How You Will Contribute To The Server:
How Would You React If One Of Your Fellow Admins Were Abusing Their Power:


New User
Nov 24, 2015
Daniel Ammar
[email protected]
5 years
Because I am on Minecraft almost everyday and I am a good builder
Will block hackers;Make sure everything is in order;Make the players want to come back for more!
If another admin was to abuse his power I would first talk to him to make sure it was him and the reason why he is abusing his power (Trolling or Being mean etc) and i would then report him or temporarily ban until the problem is fixed.
BTW YouTube channel:

Molten Lord

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Dec 4, 2015
Name: Clay Mooney
Age: 18 (Almost 19)
Email/Way Of Contact: Email: [email protected] or you can add my Skype: molten474
Years Of Minecraft Experience: I have no clue, been playing since Alpha or Beta though.
Why We Should Pick You: Well I've admined on several servers throughout the years and I'm an adult, so, yeah, that's a pretty good reason I guess.
How You Will Contribute To The Server: Well if you need events or stories or something to make the server interesting (Dunno what you're going for.) I can help there. Enforcing general rules, and just trying to keep the peace would be the main ones though, I'm a decent builder but I focus more on the interior than exterior.
How Would You React If One Of Your Fellow Admins Were Abusing Their Power: I'd probably get a hold of you if it wasn't too serious, but if they were causing some real damage or harm to the community as a whole probably just Ban them then explain it to you, and let you have the final say, of course that'd probably be after I tried to get the other Admin to stop. In all honesty I'd rather avoid the fight by weeding out bad Admins and Mods in the first place before they abused their power in any major way.

At any rate, if you don't think I'm suited, I'd still play on your server, also money isn't that big a deal to me, so there's that as well, heck even getting paid to be an admin sounds pretty odd to me, never even had someone ask. Also if you're interested in looking into me then I can drop my Youtube channel to you through messaging.