Gaming My Journey to gaming :)

Austin Tarkowski

New User
Jan 24, 2016
'm just a normal kid from Canada, I always wanted a paintball gun but my parents would continuously say no you are to young, my brother on the other hand, wanted an Xbox 360 This is where my gaming carer all started. My dad just came hom from work with a big box under his arm (my brother being the one who wanted the xbox) got to open it first, and guess what he got an Xbox 360. The next day we got our first game which was NHL 11 my brother was so happy! We played until our bed times every night, and we couldn't get our eyes off the Screen. Then we got our first call of duty, Black Ops 1, I realized this is my type of game, shooting and killing in an online virtual world seemed SO FUN! and it truly was, about three years later i get my Xbox One! and This was the highlight of my year, there wasnt many games out at the time so i was limited to COD Ghosts which to me wasnt that bad. And then my collection grew as new games came out left right and centrer!! Fast forward a bit and now i have a Youtube channel with 114 Subscribers that I love to make videos for and love the feed back! Its not the easiest thing in the world to do but I enjoy it so yea THANK YOU FOR READING!!!!


New User
Feb 2, 2016
I think every bodies first game has that effect. All you want to do is just play!
It's nice to see that you're starting to get a bit of consistency on your channel!
Also, welcome to the freedom forums! Hopefully you enjoy your stay buddy :)