Gaming Minecraft Video FEEDBACK PVP BADLION


Well-Known User
Hey man, feedback time :)

I'd personally suggest adding a commentary, a lot of viewers get kinda bored after a few minutes if there isn't a commentary. I can personally only watch for a minute or two because the gameplay is all the same. That doesn't mean it's bad or anything, just predictable. Adding commentary about a topic you choose beforehand, or even just doing a live commentary would drastically increase the amount of time I would be watching your video.

Thumbnails, Now I get lazy and don't add thumbnails sometimes, but don't be me xD Add thumbnails to all your videos! It makes it look waaaay more appealing if I see your video on youtube :)

I hope my feedback helps, keep up the good work! Already at 42 subs!


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Ahhhh okay man thanks for the feedback!!!! <3 i will get making some thumbnails ect