
Adam Fernandes

Freedom! Member
How can I improve my commentary? I find I've already improved over the last time as being on stage has assisted with my speaking but I still find myself struggling with things. I'd like some tips on improving commentary and my channel in general

I'm not sure if I'm in the right part of the forum, if not, I'll happily move to the correct one

Thank you in advance!

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Mythic User
You can also use the jumble of symbols and letters after /user/ to apply make sure you read though all of Let me know if you still need help applying.

Looks like you are just starting out so it's a little hard to critique. To me your speaking sounds fine maybe not very energetic but think it'd rather than than have someone thats over the top anyway :D Not too sure what your icon or youtube banner have to do with your channel. Maybe include some sort of theme?

Try to make sure your thumbnails a full images, even if they are screen captures try to crop some of the sides out so it doesn't show those black boarders.

Content seems pretty good actually, you could try making videos a bit shorter to start with. Maybe 10-15 minutes as you are just starting your channel. As I've said to others, doing LPs are probably the hardest channels to grow. So it can be hard to keep up with growth that other channels are getting. Just keep that in mind, but good luck with it and enjoy yourself :)